Stoptober – make the switch
2020 – the year to end smoking
It is officially that time of year again, Stoptober is here again folks – with the current covid-19 pandemic sweeping the nation this year, there has never been a better reason on giving up the smokes.
The need and want for smokers to quit has been very evident this year with a recent surge in the number of people who have stopped smoking throughout the UK. According to a recent report by ASH (Action On Smoking And Health) stated the following:
“Over a million people in the UK have stopped smoking since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the country. A further 440,000 smokers tried to quit during this period.”
The numbers speak for themselves; it appears that people seem to be putting their lungs and immune systems first this year as we all try to make it through the current pandemic unscathed.
How difficult is it to stop smoking?
It certainly is more than achievable, but it really depends on the individual. Every human being is wired differently – some find that stopping smoking is a near impossible task whilst others are not too phased by the process. Nicotine addiction is very powerful as it affects a smoker’s mood, emotions and behaviour. If a smoker uses tobacco to cope with unpleasant emotions and feelings, it can become increasingly difficult for them to give up the habit when they attempt to do so. The smoker may also link their smoking with social activities (in the pub, going for a coffee with a friend). All these factors point back to the evidence that giving up smoking for good is a tough habit to break.
What are the effects of nicotine withdrawl?
People who have used tobacco regularly for a long period of time will undoubtedly experience some type of withdrawal symptoms when they stop suddenly or greatly reduce their nicotine intake. While these withdrawals carry no danger, the symptoms can be extremely unpleasant. They tend to start within only a few hours and peak massively when most of the nicotine leaves your system. These symptoms can last for several weeks but improve every day that a person stays free of tobacco.
Nicotine withdrawal symptoms can include any of the following according to Cancer.org:
- Dizziness (which may last a day or 2 after quitting)
- Depression
- Feelings of frustration, impatience, and anger
- Anxiety
- Irritability
- Trouble sleeping, including trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, and having bad dreams or even nightmares
- Trouble concentrating
- Restlessness or boredom
- Headaches
- Tiredness
- Increased appetite
- Weight gain
- Slower heart rate
- Constipation and gas
- Cough, dry mouth, sore throat, and nasal drip
- Chest tightness
These symptoms can lead a person to start using tobacco again to boost blood levels of nicotine and bring an end to their withdrawal symptoms.
What are the options?
Going cold turkey means giving up smoking without any kind of aid in the form of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) or switching to a vape. Whilst this method does have its success stories, experts argue that the results from this approach generally are not that great. Research over the past 25 years has shown that out of 100 people trying to quit smoking cold turkey, about three to five will succeed past six months.
#2 – NRT (nicotine replacement therapy)
The most-commonly used of quit smoking medications, NRT helps to reduce withdrawal symptoms by giving the user a small, controlled amounts of nicotine but without the other dangerous chemicals found in cigarettes. It is important to understand that while NRT can undoubtedly help users with their withdrawal and cravings, it will not completely rid them from their urges to smoke. Types of NRT include Patches, Gums, Lozenges, Inhalers and Nasal Sprays.
#3 – Make the switch to a vape
E-cigarettes (aka Vapes) are reported to be ‘three times more effective than nicotine patches and gum’ when used as a quitting aid according to a study by the University College London. E-cigarettes are becoming more and more popular with smokers looking to kick the habit as it allows the user to replicate the sensation of smoking tobacco. E-cigarettes do not produce carbon monoxide or tar – the two most harmful chemicals contained in traditional tobacco cigarettes. Not to sound biased or anything as an e-liquid manufacturer – but we think you should definitely give vaping a go.
What we’re doing to help
Stoptober is quite a big month in the vaping world with many smokers across the UK every year ditching the ciggies for a vape. Some ex-smokers find the transition over to an e-cig quite easy, while others can find it an overwhelming experience – with so much choice out there in terms of hardware and e-liquid brands. This illusion of choice is the core reason why we’ve decided to launch our ‘Make The Switch’ campaign – aiming to simplify the vaping journey for smokers through providing them with information and guidance that’s of value.
Click here to take a look at this section of our site where you can find:
5 things every new vaper needs to know
Vaping facts
Interactive cost calculator – work out how much you could save per year by switching
E-cigarettes explained
E-liquids explained