2021 census reports lowest proportion of smokers

2021 census reports lowest proportion of smokers since records began It’s official… only one in eight of the UK adult population smoke. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) report used data from the 2021 census to see how many adults admitted to lighting up. The headline stats 3% of over eighteens smoke – about 6.6 million of the population In 2011, 20.2%% of the adult population smoked Men (15.1%) are more likely to smoke than women (11.5%) People are more likely to be smokers if they live in Scotland (14.8%) compared to England (13.0%) People aged 25 to 34 years are more likely to smoke (15.8%) compared to those aged 65 and over (8.0%) This is the lowest proportion of smokers since records started in 2011. For comparative purposes, it’s estimated that one in two adults were smokers during the 1970s! Why are people saying no to smoking? As you can see from the data, fewer people smoke than ever before. But why is this the case? The UK Government is taking steps to make the UK smoke-free by 2030. It’s already done this by introducing key legislation such as increasing the smoking age from 16 to 18, and adding warning messages to cigarette packets. It’s also reviewing more drastic options like in New Zealand where the smoking age is increasing year-on-year. Another thing to consider is that it’s now easier to quit smoking. In the 1970s, if you wanted to stop smoking, you had to do it cold turkey. There are now several smoking cessation options available, including vaping. In fact, the UK Government has been trialling initiatives prescribing e-cigarettes on the NHS to help people stop smoking. People are becoming more health conscious, with plant-based food, teetotalism, and hardcore gym sessions on-trend right now. This means unhealthy habits like smoking are no longer being picked up. Finally, smoking just isn’t that cool anymore. In the 1990s and 2000s, rockstars and supermodels were rarely seen without a cig in their mouth. However, celebrities are now coming under fire for being caught smoking. Our final thoughts Let’s be honest; smoking is a drag, pun definitely intended. It’s expensive, anti-social, and the number one preventable cause of death worldwide. The fact that fewer people than ever before are smoking, and this number is going down year-on-year, can only be a good thing. Will we reach the government’s target of 5% smokers by 2030? It’s hard to say right now, but time will tell. In our opinion, education is critical. It’s essential to show people that already smoke why they should consider quitting. That’s half the battle right there. Want to see how you can benefit from making the switch to vaping? Check out our online guide << Back to blog Facebook-f Instagram Linkedin
How to make 2023 your most successful year yet

How to make 2023 your most successful year yet The Christmas tree has been taken down, the Quality Street have all been eaten, and the excess wine and beer bottles have been strategically put in the neighbour’s recycling bins. Goodbye Christmas 2022, hello New Year 2023! We’re not one for new year’s resolutions at Ohm Brew; we’ve broken way too many of them over the years. However, if your resolution is to make your vape store stand out and increase your revenue, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide that will help you achieve your goals. Deep breath… and let’s begin! Plan ahead Identify the events you want to prepare for See what’s happening locally Think ahead to what’s happening in your store Outline your goals Review your marketing Websites and blogging Social media Email marketing Offline marketing Join forces with Ohm Brew And finally… take time for you Plan ahead We all have that one friend that writes a ‘to-do’ list every morning and has to consult their calendar to see if they can join you for a coffee. However, being organised isn’t a bad way to be. Planning in advance means you can prepare for all eventualities and anticipate the future. Motivational speaker Brian Tracy once said: ‘Every minute you spend in planning saves ten minutes in execution’. We’re pretty confident Brian never had to do a stock take ten minutes before closing, but the point still stands; the more you plan, the more time you save. Here are some ways you can plan for the year: Identify the events you want to prepare for Look at what national and global events are taking place over the upcoming months. For example in 2023, you’ve got the rugby World Cup, Eurovision in Liverpool, the women’s World Cup, and for those who love a bit of pomp and circumstance, the royal coronation. Pick a few events and see how you can use them to promote your store – we’ve got a guide with a few good ideas here. Then, use social media, blogs, and the local press to tell the good folks what you’re up to! Don’t forget events like Stoptober, No Smoking Day, and World No Tobacco Day too. These are the perfect opportunities to connect with people that want to stop smoking and give vaping a try! See what’s happening locally Everybody wants to shop a little closer to home these days, so use this to your advantage. Check the local papers and your council website to see what special/seasonal events are happening over the course of the year. You can then tie your promotions in for a little extra publicity. For example, check ahead to see when your Christmas light switch on takes place this year. You can then make sure you’re open late, get your promotion in place, and have lots of festive present options available for shoppers. Think ahead to what’s happening in your store Understand what is happening to your store and staff over the year and how it might affect you. For example, are any of your team going on holiday or planning to go back to college? You can then work out if you need any extra cover or need to take on any additional responsibilities. You can’t prepare for every eventuality, for example, your favourite supplier running out of stock or your number one staff member quitting. However, by planning for the stuff you know will take place, you have more time to spend on everything else. Outline your goals We all have goals in life that we want to achieve. Some are sensible. Others, not so much. Hey, Idris Elba might want to go windsurfing with us in the future… right? Defining a goal for your vape store gives you something to aspire to. That way, every decision you make will drive you that little bit further towards your grand aim. Here’s an interesting fact for you; did you know that people that have goals are ten times more successful than those that don’t? People like Jeff Bezos didn’t get to where they are today by winging it after all. The critical thing is getting your goal right. This is where SMART goals come in. With a SMART goal, you’re putting parameters in place to make sure your ideas are attainable and ensure you can monitor progress. SMART goals are: You’re creating a goal that is clear and understandableYou’re creating a goal that can be measured and has a tangible outcomeYou’re creating a goal that you can definitely attainYou’re creating a goal that is worthwhile and aligns with your efforts and needsYou’re creating a goal with an end date in sight So for example, let’s say your goal is ‘I want to increase revenue in my vape store.’ While this is an admirable goal to have, it’s not a very clear one. However, let’s say you use the SMART methodology to adapt your goal to: ‘I want to increase revenue in my vape store by 15% by the end of December 2023. I will do this by promoting new e-liquids to existing customers.’ This is a much better goal as you’ve not only put an outcome and timescale in place, but you’ve said how you will grow your revenue. Gold stars all round. Here are some ways to ensure you stay on track when it comes to achieving your goals for the year ahead. Don’t be afraid to break your goal into smaller goals if it makes it easier.Tell everyone who is willing to listen to your goal, whether that’s friends, family, employees, or the sweet little old lady who lives next door. This makes you more accountable and puts pressure on you to achieve it.Take time to see how you’re getting on with your goal on a regular basis. That way, you can make changes if you’re not entirely on track.Keep going! Don’t panic or throw in the metaphorical towel if you’re not quite where you want to be;
New year, new you – switch to a vape!

New year, new you – switch to a vape! After two solid weeks of binging Netflix, devouring turkey sandwiches, and seeing how many sweets we can eat before throwing up, it’s only natural that we want to be healthier. Of everyone who has made a new year’s resolution for 2023, 28% say they want to improve their health. Goodbye cake and pringles, hello CrossFit and Peloton. We all know that one of the best things you can do for your health is to stop smoking. Many amazing things happen to your body when you pack in the cigarettes. You smell nicer, you can run without throwing up, and your chances of dying from a nasty smoking-related disease drop significantly. The big problem? Stopping smoking is hard. We all know of a friend-of-a-friend-of-a-cousin that just threw their cigarettes in the bin and quit cold turkey. However, unless you’re incredibly determined or just plain lucky, this is an exceedingly rare occurrence. It’s estimated that only about one in twenty smokers that go cold turkey stay quit for at least six to twelve months. This means that the more help and support you have when it comes to packing in the cigarettes, the better. With this in mind… Make 2023 the year you switch to vaping If you want to quit smoking, vaping is a great way to reduce your dependence on nicotine over a set period of time. You choose the e-liquid strength that’s right for you. For example, if you’re a heavy smoker, you’ll want a higher-strength liquid than someone who is a social smoker. You then get the nicotine you need to keep your cravings at bay, without all the gross stuff like tar, VOCs, or carbon monoxide. Over time you can reduce the strength of the nicotine until you get to a point where you don’t need it. Find out more about making the switch to vaping Why choose vaping at all? There are a lot of different aids you can use to stop smoking. There’s gum, patches, and some bizarre people even have needles stuck in them to curb their cigarette cravings. However, vapes are three times more effective at helping smokers quit. Want to know why this is the case? Here comes the science! First of all, vapes simulate the experience of smoking. Many ex-smokers find they need something to do with their hands and mouths, which makes vaping an easier way to beat the cravings. Secondly, there are lots of different combinations when it comes to vaping. You can choose the hardware and e-liquids that suit your specific needs, whether that’s an elaborate rig that lets you blow cherry-flavoured smoke rings or something a little more discreet. Finally, with vaping, nicotine gets into the bloodstream more quickly, meaning you can address those cravings ASAP. No having to chew nicotine gum like a maniac or wonder how many patches you can stick on your arm before you pass out. No matter which method you choose, stopping smoking helps you live longer and puts more money in your pocket. However, we recommend that if you’re looking to stay quit, vaping is the way to go! << Back to blog Facebook-f Instagram Linkedin
How to run vape store promotions like a pro

It’s coming Ohm! How to run vape store promotions like a pro Dust off those vuvuzelas and start memorising the bass line to ‘Seven Nation Army’ because the World Cup starts next month! In an unusual turn of circumstances, the 2022 sporting event takes place in November and carries on all the way through to a week before Christmas. Less drinking chilled bottles of beer around the BBQ and more sipping mulled wine around an open fire! It got us thinking about how you can run promotions in your vape store not just during the World Cup, but other events of importance too. Wimbledon, The Grand National, The Rugby World Cup… even Eurovision! Douze points for you! Here’s how you can run extraordinary promotional events that will get your customers to hand over their cash. Create a social media competition Which social media platform to use What prize to offer What type of question to ask When to post p.s. Make sure you stick to the rules Open a sweepstake Give ‘last man standing’ a try Put together some in-store promotions In summary: promote away this World Cup Season Psst! Want to know more about running a vape store? Ohm Brew: your perfect partner, no matter the event #1 – Create a social media competition There are some tight regulations on how you can use digital marketing to promote your vape store. For example, paid advertising on search engines and social media is a no-go. Boo and hiss. The good news? It’s okay to have a social media presence for your vape store as long as you’re not paying for ads to promote your accounts. Hurray! A great way to get some publicity for your store and find new customers is by running a social media competition. According to Outgrow, 34% of new B2B and B2C customers are acquired through competitions. That’s a lot of potential new business. Here’s what you need to consider when organising the social media competition to end all social media competitions. Dust off those vuvuzelas and start memorising the bass line to ‘Seven Nation Army’ because the World Cup starts next month! In an unusual turn of circumstances, the 2022 sporting event takes place in November and carries on all the way through to a week before Christmas. Less drinking chilled bottles of beer around the BBQ and more sipping mulled wine around an open fire! It got us thinking about how you can run promotions in your vape store not just during the World Cup, but other events of importance too. Wimbledon, The Grand National, The Rugby World Cup… even Eurovision! Douze points for you! Here’s how you can run extraordinary promotional events that will get your customers to hand over their cash. Create a social media competition Which social media platform to use What prize to offer What type of question to ask When to post p.s. Make sure you stick to the rules Open a sweepstake Give ‘last man standing’ a try Put together some in-store promotions In summary: promote away this World Cup Season Psst! Want to know more about running a vape store? Ohm Brew: your perfect partner, no matter the event Which social media platform to use In our experience, it’s best to focus your competition on one platform rather than multiple social media channels, otherwise monitoring entries can get messy. So pick the platform you’ve got the most extensive following on already, and take it from there. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram work well if you want to accompany your awesome competition with an image, while Twitter is good for finding new followers. What prize to offer We recommend a gift bundle with some of your most popular products – perhaps a selection of e-liquids and a piece of hardware to use with them. Alternatively, a gift voucher for your store can work nicely too. Something that looks good is always a bonus – if the lucky winner posts a photo of their prize on social media, it’s extra publicity for your business! What type of question to ask For example, for the World Cup, you could ask people who they think will win, where they’ll be watching the England game or, if you’re feeling a bit cheeky, what they’d get a red card for. (Us? We’d get a red card for not stacking the dishwasher in the office properly.) Alternatively, why not post a photo of a footballer and ask people to submit their funniest captions? Here are a few to get you started. Encourage people to tag a friend or two to share the love as this is what amplifies your competition to a brand-new audience. Let’s say someone tags two people who each tag two people who go on to tag another two people… that’s potentially 14 new customers! We think. We’re good at writing vaping blogs, not so much at mathematics. Important note about tagging friends: While tagging friends is fab for boosting your competition, you can’t make it a requirement of entry as this goes against most social media platform terms and conditions. It’s rubbish, but we don’t make the rules unfortunately. We’ll talk more about the boring technicalities of social media promotions later. We bet you can’t wait! When to post and promote You’ll want to post your competition when most of your followers are online. The best thing to do is to look at your page or profile analytics. See what day and time you get the most engagement and take it from there. Pin your post to the top of your profile or page so everyone can see it. It’s okay to reshare your post from time to time to get extra publicity. However, you need to remember to include everyone who comments on the shared post in the competition, so nobody gets left out. p.s Make sure you stick to the rules It’s important to follow the rules to make sure any social media competitions you run are
Irish Government Looking to Ban Disposable Vapes

Irish Government looking to ban disposable vapes Disposable vapes (or vape bars) are a lot like marmite in the vaping community. While some love the flexibility they provide, others see them as a bit of an ethical quandary. Therefore, we weren’t surprised to hear that the Irish Government is looking to ban them in the future. Minister of State Ossian Smith advised: “I’ve no problem with vaping… (but) I think this is an example of an innovation that is really making the world a worse place.” While regulations have not been put in place yet, there will be a public consultation to see what people think of the proposal. This could pave the way for a permanent ban, enforced by local county councils. Why it’s important to sell disposable vapes responsibly The proposed ban on disposable vapes has come about because of two main concerns. Firstly, the idea that disposable vapes are appealing to children and young people. Secondly, that disposable vapes aren’t being disposed of correctly, with the valuable materials within them going to landfill. At Ohm Brew, we believe disposable vapes have their benefits. Full disclosure, we sell our own range of Brew Bar Disposables. If you’re deliberating if vaping is right for you, or if you need a lightweight vape for travelling, a disposable vape is ideal. The key is using (and selling) disposable vapes responsibly. Like most things in life, a disposable vape only becomes a nuisance when it’s in the wrong hands. A responsible store owner will suggest how customers can recycle their vape bar when they’re done with it, and refuse to sell to minors. They’ll also advise that they are only a temporary solution, and recommend e-liquids and the appropriate hardware where they can. We encourage all our stockists to sell vape bars sensibly and responsibly, and we will do everything we can to help them do this. As a company, we’re also 100% behind any measures taken to reduce single-use plastics and littering. Trust us; you should see our on-site recycling bins. Full to the brim. Find out more about selling disposable vapes and vape bars responsibly. Will the UK ban disposable vapes? We’re not aware of any plans to ban disposable vapes in the UK. Yet. However, given the concerns around the state of the environment and young people using vape bars, we would anticipate a ban of some kind in the future. We’ve already seen petitions on the UK Government website, so it is something that a lot of people feel strongly about. In the meantime, let’s sell disposable vapes in the right way and help make the country, as well as the world, a greener, safer, less antisocial place for everyone. We’ll keep you up to date with the latest news as we’re aware of it. In the meantime, keep visiting our blog for the most up-to-date developments in the world of vaping. << Back to blog Facebook-f Instagram Linkedin
What REALLY happens to your body when you stop smoking

What REALLY happens to your body when you stop smoking We all know some of the side effects that take place when you put down the cigarettes for good. You stop stinking like a soggy tab end, your sense of smell miraculously reappears, and you can climb the stairs without wheezing like an asthmatic walrus. Oh yes, and your wallet gets significantly heavier too! However, what happens inside your body when you stub out those cigs for good? Let’s go on a fantastic voyage and find out. 20 minutes in Did you know you experience benefits twenty minutes after you stop smoking? Your heart rate and blood pressure start to decrease, thanks to the nicotine levels in your body subsiding. Yep, that’s how gross smoking is. 8 hours in At this time, the oxygen levels in your body start to improve. Carbon monoxide is one of the key components of cigarettes, which replaces oxygen in your bloodstream. Eight hours in, your body is beginning to recover, and your lungs are getting lots of lovely O2 as a result. 48 hours in You’ve just eaten your lunch, and everything tastes AWESOME! Two days after quitting, your sense of taste and smell is starting to return. This is due to your body clearing out all the gross mucus that has accumulated in your lungs and nose. Buy yourself a bunch of flowers; you deserve it. 72 hours in Three days after stubbing out the cigs and you can start to breathe easy… both figuratively and literally! The oxygen levels in your body are increasing even more, and your lungs are beginning to recover. You might not be ready to sign up for the London Marathon just yet, but you’re feeling more alive than you have for years. Three months in Fast forward to three months later. Your lung function will have increased by 10 per cent. It might not sound like a lot, but if you’ve struggled with coughs, wheezing and breathing issues, you’ll have found that you’re feeling a lot better. (By the way, don’t panic if you develop a cough after quitting smoking – this is your lungs getting rid of all the goop!) One year in After one year of smoking, your risk of heart attack and heart disease has decreased by half. Some people say smoking is sexy, but we think not dying from smoking-related diseases is much sexier. Ten years in A decade in from not smoking, and how have things changed? Your risk of death from lung cancer will have halved. As a bonus, your risk of death from other types of cancers will have substantially decreased too. Up yours, grim reaper! Whether you’re quitting for Stoptober, New Year, or just for the heck of it, stopping smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health. Check out our blog for some additional resources you might find helpful during this time! << Back to blog Facebook-f Instagram Linkedin
Four tips to stop the nicotine cravings this Stoptober

Four top tips to keep the nicotine cravings at bay this Stoptober So, you’ve decided to stop smoking this Stoptober. You’ve thrown your cigs away, told everyone on Facebook that you’re quitting, and planned what you’ll spend all that lovely money you save on. Life is good. However, the next day you wake up drenched in sweat and ready to rip the head off anyone who dares stand in your way of the nearest off licence. Yep, the nicotine cravings have hit home. Nicotine withdrawal sucks. The good news is there are things you can do to keep the cravings away and resist the urge to light up. Here are some of our top tips. #1 – Understand and avoid your triggers Without sounding too much like Sigmund Freud, it’s important to understand when and where you’re most likely to smoke. That way, you can avoid the scenarios where you’re most tempted. For example, let’s say you reach for the cigs when you’re feeling stressed. Instead of going for a smoke break, you could text a friend or write in a bullet journal. As long as it stops you from smoking, it’s a win! #2 – Quit with a friend It’s never fun when you’re trying to stop smoking and all your family and friends are still puffing away. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Studies have shown that the more smokers you know, the harder it is to quit. Quitting with a friend or family member can be a great way to stop smoking. That way, you have someone you can stay accountable with, who will cheer you on! #3 – Eat a healthy snack When you quit smoking, you may be looking for something to do with your hands or put in your mouth when a craving strikes. Having lots of nutritious snacks on standby can keep you occupied. Carrot sticks, sliced apples, sugar-free chewing gum, and popcorn are all great choices. (And of course, if you’re considering vaping as an alternative, we have lots of awesome flavours that will get your tastebuds tingling!) #4 – Hang on in there The average nicotine craving lasts between 10 to 20 minutes, although this can vary from person to person. This means if you stay focused, you can ride the storm without reaching for the cigarettes. Find something to do when you feel a craving coming on, ideally something that keeps your hands busy. For example, you could call a friend, play your favourite video game or read a chapter of a book. Vaping – your secret weapon when it comes to nicotine cravings E-cigarettes are three times more effective than nicotine patches and gum when it comes to stopping smoking. This means if you want extra help to curb those cravings, vaping can get you through Stoptober in one piece and help gradually reduce your dependence on nicotine. See why you should make the switch to vaping today. << Back to blog Facebook-f Instagram Linkedin
Stoptober: How to Keep Ex-smokers Coming Back In-store

How to keep ex-smokers coming back to your vape store during and after Stoptober A lot of things happen in October. The clocks go back, mince pies and Christmas cakes slowly infiltrate the supermarket shelves, and there’s a distinct smell of pumpkin spice lattes in the air. The other thing that happens during the tenth month of the year? Stoptober. What is Stoptober? Launched in 2012, this month-long campaign encourages people to stub out their cigarettes and say no to stinking like an ashtray. Over 2.3 million people In the UK have stopped smoking because of Stoptober, and if you’re part of that number, bravo. We’d give you a ruddy big kiss if we weren’t stuck behind a computer screen. The last few years have been bad for smoking, with a lot of people taking up the habit during lockdown as something to do. During the first lockdown In 2020, the number of 18 to 34-year-olds who smoked increased by 25%. All those sourdough starters and Zoom quizzes evidently got the better of many people. If people are thinking of stopping smoking this October, vaping is a great alternative. They get the nicotine they need to keep on track through the month, without any of the disgusting chemicals cigarettes contain. Not only that, but it’s a heck of a lot cheaper into the bargain. In fact, e-cigarettes are three times more effective than other quitting aids like nicotine patches and gum. Find out more about making the switch from smoking to vaping. What you can do to help people quit smoking this Stoptober If you run a vape store, you’re in a great position to help these smokers out, and make a little bit of profit to boot. It’s a win-win situation. So, how can you help smokers that want to quit during Stoptober, and encourage them to keep coming back to your store? We’re so glad you asked. Join us as we take a look at some of the ways you can boost your business this October and beyond. Give customers the support they need Use local SEO to get people to your store Create a friendly and warm environment Create a community of like-minded people Stock a wide range of products In summary: don’t forget to make the effort with ex-smokers this Stoptober #1 – Give customers the support they need Imagine the following scenario in your head. You’ve been smoking 20 a day since you were 16, and twenty years later, you decide it’s time to quit and give vaping a go. The problem is, smoking is all you know. You don’t know the difference between nic salts and freebase, you’ve got no clue how to change a coil, and you’ve got absolutely no idea what nicotine strength you need. It’s enough to make you run screaming into the nearest off licence begging for a pack of Marlboro Lights. Smokers need a lot of help and support when they’re thinking of quitting. As the owner of a vape store, you’re perfectly placed to help them out, more so than a store that’s online. Take the time to talk to your customers and understand what they need, and they’ll reward you with some lovely pieces of paper with King Charles III on them. Good salespeople are always two steps ahead of their customers and know which questions they will have. Here are some of the things an ex-smoker might ask about, so you can plan your answers in advance: Why should I move to vaping instead of smoking? How much will vaping cost me? What does e-liquid taste like? Can I try vaping? (A disposable vape bar can be a good way to see if vaping is the right choice before investing In the hardware) How do I inhale? (You might have to explain the difference between direct-lung and mouth-to-lung here!) How long does the charge on the vape last? Does the vapour smell bad? How do I set up the hardware? (While you can’t set up the hardware for them, you can provide instructions or even a video to help them out) What would you recommend? (This one is tricky as it’s very subjective. Your sales team will have their own personal choices but it’s important to take the needs of the customer into account, especially if they’ve never vaped before) Having the right sales staff on standby can make all the difference. Make sure your sales team know all about the products you sell, ensure they can relate to a wide range of different people, and you’re onto a winner. You can find out more about choosing the perfect sales team in our article about increasing your customers’ vape store spend. You can even put some of your most recommended products together as a ‘starter pack’ for would-be vapers. This saves your customers valuable time and means they can get vaping sooner rather than later! Here are our top ten recommendations for your Stoptober starter kit. #2 – Use local SEO to get people to your store What do we do when we have a question we need an answer to? Nine out of ten times, we Google it! Let’s say your potential customer knows they need to quit smoking and want to give vaping a try. Unless someone recommends your vape store to them, it’s highly likely that they’ll search for ‘vape stores near me’ and pick the first name on the list. If this is the case, you can use something known as ‘local SEO’ to encourage customers to find you. Local SEO is the dark art of making sure your website is easy to find online and that people in the nearby area are aware of your presence. The higher you can rank in search engines like Google and Bing, the better! The good news is that even if you don’t know the difference between a backlink and a black hat link, there are still things you can do to boost your
10 Ohm Brew liquids for your Stoptober starter kit

Top 10 Ohm Brew liquids perfect for your Stoptober starter kit So you’ve decided to throw away the cigs and give vaping a try this Stoptober. We don’t want to sound mushy, but we’re incredibly proud of you! When you’re starting out with vaping, especially if you’re using a pod device, it can be hard to know which liquids to use. There are a lot of different flavours, strengths and types. Salts or freebase? What’s that all about?! We’ve put together our top ten liquids to get you started on your vaping journey. #1 – Tobacco Ziggicig If you’ve been reluctant to give up the cigarettes because you miss the taste, Tobacco Ziggicig is the closest you’ll get to the real thing. It’s a great starting point while you find your feet with vaping. This is as good a time as any to explain the difference between freebase and nic salts. Freebase gives you a harsher throat hit, while nic salts are much smoother. It’s ultimately personal preference, but if you want something closer to the sensation of smoking, we recommend freebase. #2 – Sensation X Aaaah menthol cigarettes. If you’re weaning yourself off them but still crave the numbing, cool sensation these cigs provide, Sensation X will give you that intense minty hit. #3 – Ice Menthol Missing menthol cigarettes but want something with a little more of a sugary flavour? We’ve got you. Ice Menthol is sweet and smooth, with a delicious minty aftertaste. One of our favourites! #4 – Blue Slush One of the great things about vaping is that there are many different flavours to try. Want to vape something that tastes like a real cigarette? Go right ahead. Alternatively, if you’re a fan of the slushy drink named after a household pet, Blue Slush is the perfect place to start! #5 – Rockin’ Raspberry Sorbet Rockin’ Raspberry Sorbet is one of our best-sellers, and it’s easy to see why! Tart raspberry and lemon, combined with luxurious roasted vanilla and decadent cane sugar. After all, why wouldn’t you love a raspberry delight over tasting like a wet ashtray? #6 – Strawberry Storm Whether served with cream or whipped up with some rum to make a daiquiri, everyone loves strawberries! If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to vaping, Strawberry Storm is a solid and dependable choice. #7 – Sour Blue Raspberry Not everyone is into sweet stuff, and that’s okay. If you roll your eyes when the dessert trolley comes round, Sour Blue Raspberry is your new best friend. A zingy, lip-puckering e-liquid that will take away your nicotine cravings and leave you feeling revitalised. #8 – Fizzy Cherry Cola There’s nothing nicer than an icy glass of cherry cola on a hot day. If you’re a fan of this delectable drink, you’ll feel right at home with Fizzy Cherry Cola. A bubby vape with a strong and distinctive cherry hit. #9 – The Grape Escape Want a sophisticated liquid that will get you through the first few months of vaping? Introducing The Grape Escape! This mouth-watering blend of succulent grapes and blackberries is well on its way to becoming an Ohm Brew classic. #10 – Passionfruit & Mango Sweet but not sickly, Passionfruit & Mango will help you kick those nicotine cravings without being cloying. While we can’t say it counts as part of your five-a-day, we can say you’ll love this fruity blend. One final thought… remember that it’s all about what you’re most comfortable with. Once your confidence increases, try different types of e-liquids and see what works best for your needs. If you need a little extra support, our friendly stockists are always happy to make some recommendations. Want to know more about vaping and the different types of e-liquids available? Check out our comprehensive guide to making the switch to e-cigarettes. << Back to blog Facebook-f Instagram Linkedin
How prescribing e-cigarettes helped smokers quit

How prescribing e-cigarettes on the NHS can help over 40% of smokers quit A recent pilot scheme has shown that offering vaping equipment on the NHS could help four out of ten smokers give up smoking for good. Smokefree Norfolk and Norfolk County Council, alongside the University of East Anglia, set up a pilot scheme that was offered to 668 smokers, with 340 of them taking advantage of it. Patients that wanted to stop smoking were given £25 of vape shop vouchers to buy a vape device and start-up kit to help them quit, as well as support and advice. In the space of one month, 42% of the participants had stopped smoking, which is an amazing result! Why did the scheme work? More and more people know they need to stop smoking for the sake of their health, but the reality is; it’s hard. Only 3 to 5% of smokers who quit on their own stop smoking long-term. Not only this, but the Government wants to make smoking obsolete by 2030. This means it’s better for people to stop on their own terms now rather than being forced to go cold turkey. Vaping can be a great way to gradually cut down on nicotine, without inhaling the tar, carbon monoxide and other harmful components that cigarettes contain. Another reason the scheme worked was money. Areas in Norfolk, like Great Yarmouth, Kings Lynn, and Broadland, are economically deprived, and as a result, more people smoke. For people who wanted to give up smoking, but couldn’t afford the initial outlay for vape equipment, the pilot scheme was a great way for them to get started. (And of course, remember that although there is an initial cost for hardware, vaping saves money in the long run!) The results of the scheme While some participants in the trial did go back to smoking, 15% of the people that took part continued to stay off the cigarettes. We’d call that a win. As a result, the scheme has been extended across the whole of Norfolk to 750,000 people. If the stats continue to show success, there’s the possibility it could be rolled out to the whole of the UK. Our thoughts at Ohm Brew If you’re looking to stop smoking, it’s important to do it right. Some people stub out their last cigarette and never look back, while others need more time and support. Vaping is a great alternative to smoking as it replicates the physical sensation that smoking provides. It gives you something to do with your hands and helps preserve the social aspects of smoking that so many people enjoy. Is vaping right for everyone who is looking to quit? No. But it’s exciting to see the promising results of the trial, and we’re keen to see if it will be extended to the whole of the UK. Want to find out more about the benefits of switching from cigarettes to vaping? Check out some of the reasons why you should make the change today! << Back to blog Facebook-f Instagram Linkedin