How Much Does Smoking Cost Britain?

How much does smoking cost Britain? We all know smoking is bad for your personal finances. If you’re smoking 20 a day, you’re spending nearly £5,000 a year. That’s enough for a fancy all-inclusive holiday or to buy takeaway pizza for tea every single night. However, did you know that smoking affects everyone’s finances, even people that don’t smoke? Yep – sad but true. Smoking is that much of an expensive habit. It costs the NHS lots of money, means people have to take time off work, and causes damage to infrastructure and buildings. ‘Hang on’… you might be saying. ‘Don’t the taxes on smoking help fund things in the country?’ Unfortunately, this is a common misconception, often mumbled by your Uncle Dave in the pub after half a bottle of Teacher’s and a 20 pack of Silk Cut. It’s true that tobacco duty goes back to The Government, which uses it to fund the NHS and other public health initiatives. With the increase in duty announced in the 2023 budget, tobacco duty currently accounts for about £4.90 for a pack of 20 cigarettes, plus 16.5% of the retail price. So while The Treasury does get just over £10 billion a year from tobacco duty, it’s still running at a loss when you consider the overall impact of smoking on the economy. Let’s do a deep dive into some of the ways smoking can affect the country’s coffers. Smoking and the NHS Smoking and productivity in the workplace Smoking and environmental cleanup Smoking and fires So can vaping turn things around? In summary: Is smoking the reason why we can’t have nice things? Smoking and the NHS This is the biggie – smoking costs the NHS in England £2.6 billion a year. And that’s just one part of the country – it costs the Scottish NHS £780 million a year, the Welsh NHS £302 million a year, and hospitals in Northern Ireland £164 million a year. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the world, causing a myriad of diseases, from COPD and stroke to heart disease and cancer. This puts a lot of pressure on the NHS in helping to cure and alleviate these diseases. Not only this, but smoking adversely affects the healing process. This means smokers are more likely to experience complications after surgery and require longer hospital stays. Smoking also indirectly causes other health problems. For example, smoking affects the body’s ability to absorb calcium, leading to brittle bones and conditions like osteoporosis. Smokers are twice as likely to have problems conceiving than non-smokers, and women are more likely to experience menopause sooner. These issues cost the NHS money to manage, not just through surgery but medication and therapy. Second-hand smoke is also a major issue – when people smoke, they’re harming not just themselves but their family and friends. It’s estimated that people exposed to second-hand smoke have a 30% increased chance of developing lung cancer and a 35% increased risk of heart disease. It’s vital to throw social care in the mix here too. It’s estimated that smokers need help ten years earlier than non-smokers. This puts the strain on local authorities and adult social care services to the tune of £1.2 billion a year. Smoking and productivity in the workplace Most people just think of the NHS when it comes to how much smoking costs Britain. However, there are other things to consider as well. Smokers are more likely to be absent and take sick days at work, as well as cost more in pensions and benefits. Studies have shown that it costs companies £4,600 more to hire a smoker than a non-smoker a year. Not only this, but smokers are more likely to experience irritability and impatience at work, potentially affecting performance and output. Nobody wants to go into a Zoom meeting with someone going through nicotine withdrawal! Let’s talk about smoke breaks at work. It’s estimated that smoke breaks throughout the day cost businesses £8.4 billion a year in lost time. And if your non-smoking staff demand to take breaks at the same time in order to ensure equality, that figure only goes up! On a more depressing tangent, smokers are more likely to die or have to take long-term sickness when they’re still of working age, meaning a further blow to the economy. Smoking and environmental cleanup Have you played ‘avoid the soggy cigarette tabs’ on the commute to work or while taking the kids to school? If the answer is yes, you’ll know all about the environmental issues that smoking can cause. It’s estimated that cleaning and disposing of cigarette butts costs local councils about £40 million a year. And while councils do come down hard on those that they catch littering, most people are unfortunately getting away with it. Cigarette butts contain over 4,000 toxic chemicals that can pollute the earth and waterways, causing damage to wildlife and destroying our fragile ecosystems. So while we have an idea of how much it costs to clean up cigarettes, we don’t completely know the cost in terms of long-term harm to the environment. There are also more minor costs involved in removing smoke from homes, vehicles, and buildings too. Nobody wants to smell like they live or work inside an ashtray, after all! Smoking and fires We’ve all seen the ads on the telly where someone lights a cigarette in bed, and boom – the whole house is on fire before you know it. Unfortunately, smoking remains the top cause of fatal fires, with about 25% of fire-related deaths caused by cigarettes. While we don’t have specific statistics for how much fire damage costs fire and rescue services across the UK, callouts aren’t cheap. Plus, as fires caused by smoking are preventable, it means that fire and rescue services may not be able to attend other emergency situations, compounding the damage even further. When you factor in insurance costs, loss of livelihood, and property damage, it’s easy
Are you Eligible for a Free Vaping Starter Kit?

Are you eligible for a free vaping starter kit? What do you have a one in five chance of being? Well, you have a one in five chance of having hazel eyes. And if you’re over the age of 65, there’s a one in five chance you don’t know how to swim. There’s also a one in five chance that you think Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster will be discovered by science. Hands up if you believe that one… More importantly, there’s a one in five chance you might be eligible for a free vaping kit in the near future. In April 2023, the UK government announced that it was providing funding so one million smokers could stub out their cigarettes for good and give vaping a go. The scheme, called Swap to Stop, has been described as the first of its kind in the world. So if it works, there’s a possibility that other countries could follow suit. The Swap to Stop scheme is estimated to cost £45 million over the course of two years. Let’s be honest, we all love a freebie. With this in mind, you’re probably wondering if you’re eligible for some free vaping goodies – and if so, when you can get your hands on them. Keep reading, because this article will explain everything you need to know! Why is The Government giving out vaping starter kits? But why vaping? Why not just encourage people to quit smoking? Will I get a vaping starter kit? What will be in the vaping starter kit? Is anyone guaranteed a vaping starter kit? When will I be able to see if I’m eligible? Has anything else been announced as part of the scheme? But I can’t wait! I want a vaping starter kit now! In summary: will you be getting a free vaping kit? Why is The Government giving out vaping starter kits? Excellent question. The UK government is giving out free vaping starter kits because it wants the country to become smoke-free by 2030. (Okay, 5% of the population isn’t technically ‘smoke-free’. But it’s better than nothing, right?) Unfortunately, if we keep going on like we are, the government will miss this target unless it takes drastic measures. The main focus of the smoke-free initiative is young people and people living in deprived areas. To combat young people taking up smoking, the government has raised the legal smoking age from 16 to 18. And there are talks of increasing it even further. People in deprived areas are four times more likely to smoke than those in more affluent areas. This might sound counterproductive, as smoking costs money. But people in low-income households are more likely to smoke as a coping mechanism and to relieve stress. Plus, it’s a vicious cycle. People smoke because they have financial pressures, which is made worse by spending money on cigarettes. But why vaping? Why not just encourage people to quit smoking? The UK government wants people to quit smoking for good. Getting people to stop smoking cold turkey may sound impressive. But if they’re back on the cigarettes two weeks later, it’s all a waste of time and money. Vaping is the most effective smoking cessation tool on the market, even more so than gum or patches. Studies have shown that people who vape are more likely to eventually quit smoking. And between 2019 and 2024, nearly 3 million people in Britain have quit smoking with a vape – that’s around 43% of all UK smokers! The great thing about vaping is that you can gradually cut down on nicotine without inhaling any of the 7,000+ disgusting chemical substances in cigarettes like carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and tar. In fact, there are only 4 chemicals in e-liquids: Propylene glycol (PG), a man-made alcohol often used in food products Vegetable glycerine (VG), an odourless syrup made from soy, palm and coconut oils Flavouring Nicotine (And if you use zero-strength e-liquid shortfills, there are only 3 ingredients!) Plus, vaping gives you something to do with your hands and mouth. So it feels like a proper alternative to smoking. Still not convinced? Here are five reasons why you should give vaping a go! Will I get a free vaping starter kit through Swap to Stop? Honestly, it’s hard to say… But don’t give up hope! The problem is that Swap to Stop isn’t being rolled out as a single sweeping initiative. Instead, the government is encouraging councils across the UK to apply for funding. Those councils then determine which residents are eligible for a vaping starter kit. We strongly believe that local authorities will prioritise low-income households and people living in deprived areas. This has been done before with great success. For example, in 2022, Norfolk County Council gave vaping vouchers to residents in certain areas, with 15% of people quitting smoking for good. However, some local councils may use different criteria. They might target young smokers or people with chronic health conditions. Others might even have a ‘first come, first served’ approach. The only way to know if you can get a free vaping starter kit through Swap to Stop is to look for the scheme in your area. Hopefully, a quick Google search for ‘swap to stop near me’ will put you in touch with a local service that offers free vaping starter kits. But if it doesn’t, we recommend following your local council on social media to keep an eye out for updates. What will be in the Swap to Stop vaping starter kit? Again, the UK Government hasn’t gone into the nitty gritty. It’s highly probable that local councils will decide what to include in the kits. It’s likely that the kit will contain a piece of hardware that’s easy to use and maintain, like a vape pod or vape pen, as well as a couple of e-liquids. Essentially, it should come with everything that a smoker needs to get started with vaping straight away. Some councils may even give customers vouchers for a local vaping store
5 reasons to give vaping a go this VApril

5 reasons to give vaping a go this VApril There’s a lot going on in April. We get to stuff ourselves with chocolate. It’s Shakespeare’s birthday. Apparently, it’s ‘National No Housework Day’. That’s a holiday we can truly get behind. It’s also VApril – a month dedicated to helping smokers quit cigarettes and move to vaping. Hashtag: #VAprilWorks. According to the team at VApril, 4.3 million UK smokers have turned to vaping, with nearly 60% now calling themselves former smokers. Now that’s a pretty cool stat if ever we heard one! So, why should you drop the tabs and give vaping a try this month? We’re glad you asked. Here are five fantastic reasons why vaping is the way forward. #1 – You save money If you want to watch your money go up in smoke, you have two options. Buy NFTs, or start smoking. Smoking is an expensive hobby, especially if you go through a pack or more a day. And with the latest budget announcement, it’s going to get even more pricey. If you smoke 20 a day at £11 a pack, you can save between £2,796 and £3,176 by moving to vaping. Just think of all the cool stuff you can buy with that leftover cash! See how much you can save by making the switch #2 – It’s healthier Cigarettes contain a collection of gross chemicals. Tar. Carbon monoxide. Arsenic. Benzene. Why you’d stick that stuff in your mouth is beyond us. While vape juice contains nicotine, it doesn’t have any of the gross and disgusting chemicals that cigarettes do. So you can still get the nicotine hit you need to get through the day without worrying about smoking-related illnesses. #3 – It’s the most effective smoking cessation tool on the market If you’re looking to stop smoking, there are several ways you can do it. You can go cold turkey, use gum or patches, or listen to the weird dude with the hypnotherapy tapes. However, vaping is the best method of all. A study by the University of Oxford showed that vapes lead to higher quit rates and help people quit smoking for longer. And that’s research by a proper fancy university featured in the Harry Potter movies. #4 – You can customise vaping to suit your needs With smoking, there aren’t a lot of options. You can buy cigarettes in packs of 10 and 20. You can get rolling tobacco if you’re feeling adventurous. That’s about it. However, one of the great things about vaping is that you can do it your way. You can choose the hardware that works best for you, and the eliquid to suit your needs. Whether you want a smooth vape that tastes like strawberries or a rough throat hit with the tobacco taste you love, it’s your call. #5 – There’s no second-hand smoke Passive smoking is still a killer, with an estimated 10,700 deaths annually in the UK. However, vaping doesn’t cause this risk as it doesn’t contain the chemicals that cigarettes do. Of course, we still recommend vaping outside and away from children and high-risk people. But it’s good to know that vaping doesn’t just help protect your health, but the health of the people you love. Looking to make the switch to vaping? We have all the hardware and eliquids you need. Check out our fantastic stockists and see where you can find Ohm Brew near you! << Back to blog Facebook-f Instagram Linkedin
Why Regulations Are Important When it Comes to Vape Bars

Why regulations and checks are so important when it comes to disposable vapes Supermarkets were sent into a mass panic at the start of this month, leading to them pulling certain products off their shelves. But what were these items? Mouldy bread? Flat pop? Unripe avocados? Disposable vape bars. It was found that a random selection of Elf Bars contained between 3ml and 3.2ml of nicotine. For context, the legal limit in the UK is 2ml. The Elf Bar brand was launched in 2021 and sells 2.5 million disposable vapes every week, accounting for two-thirds of all vape bars sold in the UK. It’s already come under fire for using social media to promote its products to young people. As a result of the independent lab tests carried out, Tesco and Morrisons removed some Elf Bar products from their stores. Elf Bar apologised for the findings, advising that some batches had been overfilled, leading to higher amounts of nicotine. The issue with vape bars and why testing is needed It’s only right that you want to know what’s going into your body for the sake of your health. Imagine that you’re vegan, and you order a meat-free sandwich from your favourite restaurant. You polish it off, only for the serving staff to point at you and say ‘Haha! You just ate chicken!’ You’re going to be majorly peeved, right? The same logic applies to disposable vapes. If a disposable vape says it contains a certain amount of nicotine, it must contain that amount. No more, no less. We’re not saying vaping is bad – if we did, we’d be talking ourselves out of a job. But it needs to be controlled, and it needs to be safe. Otherwise, regulations are going to get more and more strict until nobody can vape at all. So, what should I be doing as a business when it comes to disposable vapes? You might think it’s weird being in the vaping business and encouraging people to vape responsibly. It’s like the extravagant alcohol ads on the telly with the teeny-weeny ‘p.s. Please drink responsibly’ right at the end. However, as businesses, we can make a difference and ensure people make the right choices. Not all superheroes wear capes… some own vape stores! One of the easiest ways for customers to have a handle on the amount of nicotine they inhale is by choosing refillable e-liquids. That way, they can choose the right strength for them, or even use a nic shot to create a customised blend that satisfies their cravings. At this point, you might be saying… ‘Hang on. How will I know that refillable e-liquids contain the amount of nicotine they say they do?’ Excellent question. A reputable vape manufacturer (*waves*) will ensure the appropriate health warnings are on all their products, provide a detailed list of ingredients, and have tamperproof packaging. Plus, all e-liquids must be GC-MS tested to ensure they comply with strict UK guidelines. The bottom line is that if you stock Ohm Brew products, you have peace of mind that you’re selling highly regulated and safe products to your customers. After all, the only places elves should be are Santa’s grotto or a Tolkien novel. Not a vape store. << Back to blog Facebook-f Instagram Linkedin
A Parent’s Guide to Vaping

A parent’s guide to vaping One of the things about having rugrats is that you have to answer a lot of questions. Seriously, so many questions. ‘Why is the sky blue?’ Erm… ‘Where does the sun go in the evening?’ Hmm… ‘Where do babies come from?’ Uhm… Go ask your mum/dad/gran/that nice person standing over there. One thing you might be asked about, no matter how old your children are, is vaping. Let’s be honest, a kid sees an adult blowing smoke rings, and they’re going to think they’re half-person, half-dragon! Many of the parent’s guides to vaping we’ve seen on the internet, with the greatest respect, are very ‘OMG, YOUR TEEN IS VAPING! DELINQUENT! BAD PARENTING!’ We wanted to put our own guide out there, with slightly less pearl-clutching and Karen-ing involved. Whether your little ones see you vaping and want to know more, or are older and you’re worried about peer pressure at school, it’s good to talk. Here’s everything you need to know. Kids and vaping – the facts Is the Government going to ban kids from vaping? What’s the legal age for vaping in the UK? Why do young people vape But isn’t vaping harmless? How do I talk to my young kids about vaping? How can I tell if my teenager is vaping? Are teenagers that vape more likely to smoke? Help! I’ve found a disposable vape in my kid’s bag. What do I do? Does vaping mean my kid is doing drugs? How can I help my teen stop vaping? In summary: Knowledge is power Kids and vaping – the facts The good news is that children and young adults are smoking less than they used to. According to the NHS, 12% of children reported having ever smoked in 2021, a decrease from 16% in 2018. A combination of Government health initiatives, people becoming more health-conscious, and smoking just becoming downright unfashionable have all played a part in fewer people smoking. However, more kids are now vaping. 9% of 11 to 15-year-olds currently use e-cigarettes, an increase from 6% in 2018. And quite frankly, that’s terrifying. So why is vaping more popular with children than ever before? While vapes aren’t marketed explicitly at kids, they do appeal to them. The bright colours, the affordability of disposable vapes, the sweet flavours. Some disposable vape manufacturers have even come under fire for targeting young people on Instagram and TikTok with influencer ads. We’re mentioning no names. Think about the bright and funky alcopops that were popular with kids in the 1990s, the ones with the cartoon mascots. It’s precisely the same premise. Is the Government going to ban kids from vaping? While direct action hasn’t been taken yet, health campaigners are petitioning the Government to make it as hard as possible for children to buy disposable vapes. For example, Ash has asked the Government to tax disposable vapes, effectively doubling the price. The Local Government Association is also asking for vaping packaging to mirror that of cigarettes and other tobacco products – plain packaging and kept out of sight behind the counter. Some governments are looking at banning disposable vapes, making it harder for children to get into vaping. For example, the Irish Government is currently discussing a ban and countries including Mexico, India, and Cambodia have eliminated disposable vapes entirely. We’ll keep you updated with the latest developments in regards to vaping and the law on our blog. What’s the legal age for vaping in the UK? The same age as smoking – 18. It’s illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to buy e-liquids, disposable vapes, or vaping hardware, or to get anyone over the age of 18 to buy for them. Some people think it’s okay for 16-year-olds to vape if they have parental permission. This definitely isn’t the case, and you’d be laughed out of any reputable vape store for trying. 18 or bust. Why do young people vape? Most kids are inquisitive when it comes to vaping – over half admit to trying it out of curiosity. Looking at the stats, many teens will try a puff to see what it’s about, and that’s it – no more. But why do some kids and teens keep up the habit? Some of the reasons include: They can do it as a social activity. Buy a vape, pass it around, and have a chat with their friends They can show off – one in five teen vapers admit to doing tricks like making big clouds They can order online – just tick a box to say they’re over the age of 18, job done, no questions asked. Alternatively, many supermarkets and off-licenses don’t ask for ID It tastes nice. Why would a teenager suck on a disgusting wet cigarette when they can enjoy mint, sweet, fruit, or chocolate flavours? It’s cheap – they can buy a disposable vape for under a fiver. Compare and contrast, a twenty-pack of cigarettes costs about £11, and the cost is rising all the time It’s discreet – disposable vapes are slim and streamlined, meaning they can easily be hidden in a coat pocket or purse It’s an appetite suppressant. In a world where being ‘thin is in’, some teenagers, especially girls, are vaping to keep hunger at bay. Don’t get us started on this one But isn’t vaping harmless? Many kids think it’s okay to vape as it’s just water, vapour, and flavour. While vape juice doesn’t contain carbon monoxide, tar, arsenic, and formaldehyde like cigarettes do, it does contain nicotine. Some disposable vape cartridges can contain 20 cigarettes worth of nicotine, with some illegal vapes containing even more. Two out of three teens aren’t even aware that vapes contain nicotine. This is why education is so important. The more children know about vaping from an early age, the more information they have to make the right choice. So while vaping is less harmful than smoking, it’s not as harmless as your teen may
2021 census reports lowest proportion of smokers

2021 census reports lowest proportion of smokers since records began It’s official… only one in eight of the UK adult population smoke. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) report used data from the 2021 census to see how many adults admitted to lighting up. The headline stats 3% of over eighteens smoke – about 6.6 million of the population In 2011, 20.2%% of the adult population smoked Men (15.1%) are more likely to smoke than women (11.5%) People are more likely to be smokers if they live in Scotland (14.8%) compared to England (13.0%) People aged 25 to 34 years are more likely to smoke (15.8%) compared to those aged 65 and over (8.0%) This is the lowest proportion of smokers since records started in 2011. For comparative purposes, it’s estimated that one in two adults were smokers during the 1970s! Why are people saying no to smoking? As you can see from the data, fewer people smoke than ever before. But why is this the case? The UK Government is taking steps to make the UK smoke-free by 2030. It’s already done this by introducing key legislation such as increasing the smoking age from 16 to 18, and adding warning messages to cigarette packets. It’s also reviewing more drastic options like in New Zealand where the smoking age is increasing year-on-year. Another thing to consider is that it’s now easier to quit smoking. In the 1970s, if you wanted to stop smoking, you had to do it cold turkey. There are now several smoking cessation options available, including vaping. In fact, the UK Government has been trialling initiatives prescribing e-cigarettes on the NHS to help people stop smoking. People are becoming more health conscious, with plant-based food, teetotalism, and hardcore gym sessions on-trend right now. This means unhealthy habits like smoking are no longer being picked up. Finally, smoking just isn’t that cool anymore. In the 1990s and 2000s, rockstars and supermodels were rarely seen without a cig in their mouth. However, celebrities are now coming under fire for being caught smoking. Our final thoughts Let’s be honest; smoking is a drag, pun definitely intended. It’s expensive, anti-social, and the number one preventable cause of death worldwide. The fact that fewer people than ever before are smoking, and this number is going down year-on-year, can only be a good thing. Will we reach the government’s target of 5% smokers by 2030? It’s hard to say right now, but time will tell. In our opinion, education is critical. It’s essential to show people that already smoke why they should consider quitting. That’s half the battle right there. Want to see how you can benefit from making the switch to vaping? Check out our online guide << Back to blog Facebook-f Instagram Linkedin
New year, new you – switch to a vape!

New year, new you – switch to a vape! After two solid weeks of binging Netflix, devouring turkey sandwiches, and seeing how many sweets we can eat before throwing up, it’s only natural that we want to be healthier. Of everyone who has made a new year’s resolution for 2023, 28% say they want to improve their health. Goodbye cake and pringles, hello CrossFit and Peloton. We all know that one of the best things you can do for your health is to stop smoking. Many amazing things happen to your body when you pack in the cigarettes. You smell nicer, you can run without throwing up, and your chances of dying from a nasty smoking-related disease drop significantly. The big problem? Stopping smoking is hard. We all know of a friend-of-a-friend-of-a-cousin that just threw their cigarettes in the bin and quit cold turkey. However, unless you’re incredibly determined or just plain lucky, this is an exceedingly rare occurrence. It’s estimated that only about one in twenty smokers that go cold turkey stay quit for at least six to twelve months. This means that the more help and support you have when it comes to packing in the cigarettes, the better. With this in mind… Make 2023 the year you switch to vaping If you want to quit smoking, vaping is a great way to reduce your dependence on nicotine over a set period of time. You choose the e-liquid strength that’s right for you. For example, if you’re a heavy smoker, you’ll want a higher-strength liquid than someone who is a social smoker. You then get the nicotine you need to keep your cravings at bay, without all the gross stuff like tar, VOCs, or carbon monoxide. Over time you can reduce the strength of the nicotine until you get to a point where you don’t need it. Find out more about making the switch to vaping Why choose vaping at all? There are a lot of different aids you can use to stop smoking. There’s gum, patches, and some bizarre people even have needles stuck in them to curb their cigarette cravings. However, vapes are three times more effective at helping smokers quit. Want to know why this is the case? Here comes the science! First of all, vapes simulate the experience of smoking. Many ex-smokers find they need something to do with their hands and mouths, which makes vaping an easier way to beat the cravings. Secondly, there are lots of different combinations when it comes to vaping. You can choose the hardware and e-liquids that suit your specific needs, whether that’s an elaborate rig that lets you blow cherry-flavoured smoke rings or something a little more discreet. Finally, with vaping, nicotine gets into the bloodstream more quickly, meaning you can address those cravings ASAP. No having to chew nicotine gum like a maniac or wonder how many patches you can stick on your arm before you pass out. No matter which method you choose, stopping smoking helps you live longer and puts more money in your pocket. However, we recommend that if you’re looking to stay quit, vaping is the way to go! << Back to blog Facebook-f Instagram Linkedin
What REALLY happens to your body when you stop smoking

What REALLY happens to your body when you stop smoking We all know some of the side effects that take place when you put down the cigarettes for good. You stop stinking like a soggy tab end, your sense of smell miraculously reappears, and you can climb the stairs without wheezing like an asthmatic walrus. Oh yes, and your wallet gets significantly heavier too! However, what happens inside your body when you stub out those cigs for good? Let’s go on a fantastic voyage and find out. 20 minutes in Did you know you experience benefits twenty minutes after you stop smoking? Your heart rate and blood pressure start to decrease, thanks to the nicotine levels in your body subsiding. Yep, that’s how gross smoking is. 8 hours in At this time, the oxygen levels in your body start to improve. Carbon monoxide is one of the key components of cigarettes, which replaces oxygen in your bloodstream. Eight hours in, your body is beginning to recover, and your lungs are getting lots of lovely O2 as a result. 48 hours in You’ve just eaten your lunch, and everything tastes AWESOME! Two days after quitting, your sense of taste and smell is starting to return. This is due to your body clearing out all the gross mucus that has accumulated in your lungs and nose. Buy yourself a bunch of flowers; you deserve it. 72 hours in Three days after stubbing out the cigs and you can start to breathe easy… both figuratively and literally! The oxygen levels in your body are increasing even more, and your lungs are beginning to recover. You might not be ready to sign up for the London Marathon just yet, but you’re feeling more alive than you have for years. Three months in Fast forward to three months later. Your lung function will have increased by 10 per cent. It might not sound like a lot, but if you’ve struggled with coughs, wheezing and breathing issues, you’ll have found that you’re feeling a lot better. (By the way, don’t panic if you develop a cough after quitting smoking – this is your lungs getting rid of all the goop!) One year in After one year of smoking, your risk of heart attack and heart disease has decreased by half. Some people say smoking is sexy, but we think not dying from smoking-related diseases is much sexier. Ten years in A decade in from not smoking, and how have things changed? Your risk of death from lung cancer will have halved. As a bonus, your risk of death from other types of cancers will have substantially decreased too. Up yours, grim reaper! Whether you’re quitting for Stoptober, New Year, or just for the heck of it, stopping smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health. Check out our blog for some additional resources you might find helpful during this time! << Back to blog Facebook-f Instagram Linkedin
Four tips to stop the nicotine cravings this Stoptober

Four top tips to keep the nicotine cravings at bay this Stoptober So, you’ve decided to stop smoking this Stoptober. You’ve thrown your cigs away, told everyone on Facebook that you’re quitting, and planned what you’ll spend all that lovely money you save on. Life is good. However, the next day you wake up drenched in sweat and ready to rip the head off anyone who dares stand in your way of the nearest off licence. Yep, the nicotine cravings have hit home. Nicotine withdrawal sucks. The good news is there are things you can do to keep the cravings away and resist the urge to light up. Here are some of our top tips. #1 – Understand and avoid your triggers Without sounding too much like Sigmund Freud, it’s important to understand when and where you’re most likely to smoke. That way, you can avoid the scenarios where you’re most tempted. For example, let’s say you reach for the cigs when you’re feeling stressed. Instead of going for a smoke break, you could text a friend or write in a bullet journal. As long as it stops you from smoking, it’s a win! #2 – Quit with a friend It’s never fun when you’re trying to stop smoking and all your family and friends are still puffing away. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Studies have shown that the more smokers you know, the harder it is to quit. Quitting with a friend or family member can be a great way to stop smoking. That way, you have someone you can stay accountable with, who will cheer you on! #3 – Eat a healthy snack When you quit smoking, you may be looking for something to do with your hands or put in your mouth when a craving strikes. Having lots of nutritious snacks on standby can keep you occupied. Carrot sticks, sliced apples, sugar-free chewing gum, and popcorn are all great choices. (And of course, if you’re considering vaping as an alternative, we have lots of awesome flavours that will get your tastebuds tingling!) #4 – Hang on in there The average nicotine craving lasts between 10 to 20 minutes, although this can vary from person to person. This means if you stay focused, you can ride the storm without reaching for the cigarettes. Find something to do when you feel a craving coming on, ideally something that keeps your hands busy. For example, you could call a friend, play your favourite video game or read a chapter of a book. Vaping – your secret weapon when it comes to nicotine cravings E-cigarettes are three times more effective than nicotine patches and gum when it comes to stopping smoking. This means if you want extra help to curb those cravings, vaping can get you through Stoptober in one piece and help gradually reduce your dependence on nicotine. See why you should make the switch to vaping today. << Back to blog Facebook-f Instagram Linkedin
How prescribing e-cigarettes helped smokers quit

How prescribing e-cigarettes on the NHS can help over 40% of smokers quit A recent pilot scheme has shown that offering vaping equipment on the NHS could help four out of ten smokers give up smoking for good. Smokefree Norfolk and Norfolk County Council, alongside the University of East Anglia, set up a pilot scheme that was offered to 668 smokers, with 340 of them taking advantage of it. Patients that wanted to stop smoking were given £25 of vape shop vouchers to buy a vape device and start-up kit to help them quit, as well as support and advice. In the space of one month, 42% of the participants had stopped smoking, which is an amazing result! Why did the scheme work? More and more people know they need to stop smoking for the sake of their health, but the reality is; it’s hard. Only 3 to 5% of smokers who quit on their own stop smoking long-term. Not only this, but the Government wants to make smoking obsolete by 2030. This means it’s better for people to stop on their own terms now rather than being forced to go cold turkey. Vaping can be a great way to gradually cut down on nicotine, without inhaling the tar, carbon monoxide and other harmful components that cigarettes contain. Another reason the scheme worked was money. Areas in Norfolk, like Great Yarmouth, Kings Lynn, and Broadland, are economically deprived, and as a result, more people smoke. For people who wanted to give up smoking, but couldn’t afford the initial outlay for vape equipment, the pilot scheme was a great way for them to get started. (And of course, remember that although there is an initial cost for hardware, vaping saves money in the long run!) The results of the scheme While some participants in the trial did go back to smoking, 15% of the people that took part continued to stay off the cigarettes. We’d call that a win. As a result, the scheme has been extended across the whole of Norfolk to 750,000 people. If the stats continue to show success, there’s the possibility it could be rolled out to the whole of the UK. Our thoughts at Ohm Brew If you’re looking to stop smoking, it’s important to do it right. Some people stub out their last cigarette and never look back, while others need more time and support. Vaping is a great alternative to smoking as it replicates the physical sensation that smoking provides. It gives you something to do with your hands and helps preserve the social aspects of smoking that so many people enjoy. Is vaping right for everyone who is looking to quit? No. But it’s exciting to see the promising results of the trial, and we’re keen to see if it will be extended to the whole of the UK. Want to find out more about the benefits of switching from cigarettes to vaping? Check out some of the reasons why you should make the change today! << Back to blog Facebook-f Instagram Linkedin