Ohm Brew E-Liquid

Are you Eligible for a Free Vaping Starter Kit?

Are you eligible for a free vaping starter kit? What do you have a one in five chance of being? For example, you have a one in five chance of having hazel eyes. If you’re over the age of 65, there’s a one in five chance you don’t know how to swim. There’s also a one in five chance that you’ll think that Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster will be discovered by science. Right, hands up if you believe that one… There’s also a one in five chance you might be eligible for a free vaping kit in the near future. Earlier this month, the UK Government announced that it was providing funding so one million smokers could stub out their cigarettes for good and give vaping a go. The scheme, called ‘swap to stop’, has been described as the first of its kind in the world. So if it works, there’s the possibility that other countries could follow suit. The swap to stop scheme is estimated to cost £45 million over the course of two years. Let’s be honest; we all love a freebie. With this in mind, you’re probably wondering if you’re eligible for some free vaping goodies and if so, when you can get your hands on them. Keep reading because this article will explain everything you need to know! Why is The Government giving out vaping starter kits? But why vaping? Why not just encourage people to quit smoking? Will I get a vaping starter kit? What will be in the vaping starter kit? Is anyone guaranteed a vaping starter kit? When will I be able to see if I’m eligible? Has anything else been announced as part of the scheme? But I can’t wait! I want a vaping starter kit now! In summary: will you be getting a free vaping kit? Why is The Government giving out vaping starter kits? Excellent question. The UK Government is giving out vaping starter kits because it wants the country to become smoke-free by 2030. (Okay, 5% of the population isn’t technically ‘smoke-free’, but it’s better than nothing, right?) At this moment in time, The Government will miss this target unless it takes drastic measures. The primary focus of the smoke-free initiative is young people and people living in deprived areas. To combat young people taking up smoking, The Government has raised the legal smoking age from 16 to 18, and there are talks of increasing it even further. People in deprived areas are four times more likely to smoke than those in more affluent areas. This might sound counterproductive as smoking costs money, but people in low-income households are more likely to smoke as a coping mechanism and to relieve stress. Plus, it’s a vicious cycle. People smoke because they have financial pressures, further exacerbated by spending money on cigarettes. But why vaping? Why not just encourage people to quit smoking? The UK Government wants people to quit smoking for good. Getting people to stop smoking cold turkey may sound impressive, but if they’re back on the cigarettes two weeks later, it’s all been a waste of time and money. Vaping is the most effective smoking cessation tool on the market, even more so than gum or patches. Studies have shown that people who vape are more likely to eventually quit smoking. The great thing about vaping is that you can gradually cut down on nicotine without inhaling any disgusting chemical substances in cigarettes like carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and tar. Plus, as vaping gives you something to do with your hands and mouth, it feels like a proper alternative to smoking. Still not convinced? Here are five reasons why you should give vaping a go! Will I get a vaping starter kit? Honest answer… we’re not sure yet! The Government will encourage councils across the UK to apply for funding. The councils will then determine which residents are eligible for a vaping starter kit. We strongly believe that local authorities will prioritise low-income households and people living in deprived areas. This has been done before with great success. For example, in 2022, Norfolk County Council gave vaping vouchers to residents in certain areas, with 15% of people quitting smoking for good. However, some local councils may use different criteria, for example, targeting young smokers or people with chronic health conditions. Others might even have a ‘first come, first served’ approach. What will be in the vaping starter kit? Again, the UK Government hasn’t gone into the nitty gritty. It’s highly probable that local councils will decide what to include in the kits. It’s likely that the kit will contain a piece of hardware that’s easy to use and maintain, like a vape pod or vape pen, as well as a couple of e-liquids. Essentially everything that a smoker needs to get started with vaping straight away. Some councils may even give customers vouchers for a local vaping store, meaning they can buy what they want – this is what they did in Norwich. Customers get the freedom of choice, and the nearby vape shops get a nice bit of well-deserved promotion – everyone’s a winner! One thing that is highly likely not to be included in a vaping starter kit? A disposable vape. These single-use vapes have got a lot of flak recently for not just being bad for the environment, but encouraging kids to try vaping. So if you’re hoping for a neon pink Gnome Bar or two in your starter kit, you’re probably not going to get one. And in our honest opinion, that’s a good thing. Is anyone guaranteed a vaping starter kit? Not a starter kit as such, but as part of the Government initiative, pregnant women will be offered up to £400 to stop smoking. Details on this aren’t entirely clear just yet, but it looks like all pregnant women who smoke, regardless of where they live, will be offered vouchers as well as support to quit. It’s estimated that about

Spring Budget 2023: vaping and cigarette update

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Budget 2023: what’s the news when it comes to vaping? Wednesday 15 March 2023. Picture the scene. It’s a nice sunny day, you’re at work doing some awesome Ohm Brew-related stuff, and you’ve got leftover takeaway pizza for lunch. Life is good. However, disaster strikes. The Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt (not a typo), is seen walking into 10 Downing Street with a big red suitcase. Yep, it’s Budget Day. Two interesting points were raised in the 2023 Spring Budget, which we’ll talk about now. If you don’t do politics, why not check out our top 10 eliquids of 2022? Normal service will be resumed in a few minutes. #1 – Cigarette prices increase by 15% The Budget usually sees cigarette, petrol, and beer prices rise. We all know someone who legs it to the Shell garage to fill the car up the night before it’s announced. In this Budget, the cigarette levy increased by 12.7%, alongside an extra 2% price hike for good measure. Not only this, but the cost of hand-rolling tobacco has risen by a staggering 18.7%. Now is an excellent time to start stockpiling Rizlas… While we do sympathise with these price increases, especially in the current cost-of-living crisis, this has only got to be a good thing. Increasing the cost of cigarettes means people are more likely to quit, meaning a better quality of life, and less stress on the already over-burdened NHS. The UK Government seem to share the same mindset, given that it’s planning for the UK to go smoke-free by 2030. If you want to quit smoking but know you’ll miss nicotine, vaping is a great alternative. You inhale fewer chemicals, and it works out much cheaper, especially if you use refillable vapes. Why not check out our calculator and see how much you can save? #2 – No levy on disposable vapes Disposable vapes are causing a lot of issues at the moment. They’re polluting the water and taking space up in landfills, they’re popular with teenagers, and there are significant issues with how they are labelled and advertised. As a result, there has been pressure on the Government by health groups to increase the tax levy on disposable vapes, making them more expensive to buy. This would not only discourage young people from buying them, but encourage vapers to make the move to refillable vapes. Unfortunately, this did not happen in this Budget. However, it does sound like the Government is very keen to crack down on teen vaping, given that 16% of children admit to having tried it at least once. So we can expect some sort of legislation to be introduced in the coming months. And that’s it for the 2023 Budget folks – what a wild ride! See you in 2024 for the next one? << Back to blog Facebook-f Instagram Linkedin

Why Regulations Are Important When it Comes to Vape Bars


Why regulations and checks are so important when it comes to disposable vapes Supermarkets were sent into a mass panic at the start of this month, leading to them pulling certain products off their shelves. But what were these items? Mouldy bread? Flat pop? Unripe avocados? Disposable vape bars. It was found that a random selection of Elf Bars contained between 3ml and 3.2ml of nicotine. For context, the legal limit in the UK is 2ml. The Elf Bar brand was launched in 2021 and sells 2.5 million disposable vapes every week, accounting for two-thirds of all vape bars sold in the UK. It’s already come under fire for using social media to promote its products to young people. As a result of the independent lab tests carried out, Tesco and Morrisons removed some Elf Bar products from their stores. Elf Bar apologised for the findings, advising that some batches had been overfilled, leading to higher amounts of nicotine. The issue with vape bars and why testing is needed It’s only right that you want to know what’s going into your body for the sake of your health. Imagine that you’re vegan, and you order a meat-free sandwich from your favourite restaurant. You polish it off, only for the serving staff to point at you and say ‘Haha! You just ate chicken!’ You’re going to be majorly peeved, right? The same logic applies to disposable vapes. If a disposable vape says it contains a certain amount of nicotine, it must contain that amount. No more, no less. We’re not saying vaping is bad – if we did, we’d be talking ourselves out of a job. But it needs to be controlled, and it needs to be safe. Otherwise, regulations are going to get more and more strict until nobody can vape at all. So, what should I be doing as a business when it comes to disposable vapes? You might think it’s weird being in the vaping business and encouraging people to vape responsibly. It’s like the extravagant alcohol ads on the telly with the teeny-weeny ‘p.s. Please drink responsibly’ right at the end. However, as businesses, we can make a difference and ensure people make the right choices. Not all superheroes wear capes… some own vape stores! One of the easiest ways for customers to have a handle on the amount of nicotine they inhale is by choosing refillable e-liquids. That way, they can choose the right strength for them, or even use a nic shot to create a customised blend that satisfies their cravings. At this point, you might be saying… ‘Hang on. How will I know that refillable e-liquids contain the amount of nicotine they say they do?’ Excellent question. A reputable vape manufacturer (*waves*) will ensure the appropriate health warnings are on all their products, provide a detailed list of ingredients, and have tamperproof packaging. Plus, all e-liquids must be GC-MS tested to ensure they comply with strict UK guidelines. The bottom line is that if you stock Ohm Brew products, you have peace of mind that you’re selling highly regulated and safe products to your customers. After all, the only places elves should be are Santa’s grotto or a Tolkien novel. Not a vape store. << Back to blog Facebook-f Instagram Linkedin

The vaping industry in 2022: what, who, where, and when


The vaping industry in 2022: what, who, where, and when We might not look like it on the surface, but we love nothing more than digging into the stats around smoking and vaping. For example, take our report looking at the 2021 census. The team at Ohm Brew aren’t just pretty faces! A little while ago, this report from the Centre for Economics and Business Research pinged into our inbox. It was compiled on behalf of the Vaping Industry Association and looks at how the vaping industry has benefitted the United Kingdom, both directly and indirectly. Can’t be bothered to read it? That’s okay; here’s our summary! The vaping industry turned over £2.8bn in 2021 The vaping industry turned over £1.3 billion in 2021, and when combined with indirect turnover (for example, seen in supply chains), this number grew to £2.8b. This is a growth of 23.4% compared to the 2017-2021 period. The vaping industry created 8,215 full-time jobs in the UK in 2021 The economy hasn’t just benefited from vaping; people’s livelihoods have too. Over 8,000 jobs have been directly generated by the growth in vaping, including retail and manufacturing. Even more jobs have been indirectly created. For every ten jobs generated by the UK vaping industry, a further 11.6 jobs are supported in the economy, which equates to 9,529 additional employment opportunities in 2021! There was a 60% rise in the number of vape shops The number of vape shops in the UK has grown from 2,281 in 2017 to 3,644 in 2020, an increase of 60%. The most vape shops can be found in the North West, with the South East generating the most economic value. People are more likely to buy their vape products at a specialist store, with one in three purchases made this way in 2021. Vaping can save the NHS over £300m a year In the current economic climate, the NHS needs all the help and support it can get. Smoking-related illnesses put a significant strain on the NHS, as well as the government in general, for example, lost productivity at work, and cleaning up cigarette butts. The estimated cost saving to the NHS of smokers switching to vaping was £322m in 2019. If half of all smokers made a move to vaping that year, it’s estimated that the healthcare savings would have been £698m. It’s no surprise that the NHS is encouraging people to swap from smoking to vaping, like in this trial in the Norfolk area. Vaping is working Of all the smokers that switched to vaping, 80% found they smoked less, while 50% quit entirely. Older people are more likely to use vapes to quit smoking and reduce their nicotine intake, while younger people vape because they enjoy the flavour. Discover more about why you should make the switch to vaping. Want more insight into the benefits of vaping? Check out our blog! << Back to blog Facebook-f Instagram Linkedin

The ultimate guide to becoming a responsible vape retailer in 2023


The ultimate guide to becoming a responsible vape retailer in 2023 When you run a vape store, there are loads of abbreviations and acronyms you need to be aware of. For example, P&L. SKU. ROI. B2C. COP. EOD. EIEIO. It’s a Scrabble enthusiast’s nightmare. Here’s another abbreviation that you’ll probably want to make yourself mindful of. CSR. What’s CSR? We’re glad you asked. (Seriously, we’ve spent hours writing this article!) CSR is short for ‘corporate social responsibility’. It essentially refers to how businesses operate in line with environmental, societal, and ethical concerns. So basically, what you can do to be a good and responsible business. With melting ice caps, shady business dealings, and dodgy offshore bank accounts, being principled, moral, and trustworthy is more important than ever before. Not only is it the right thing to do, but it can work wonders for your profits too. 87% of people say they would be more likely to buy a product if a company advocates for an issue they care about. So if you can’t do it to help the world, do it for your bottom line! The vaping world is prone to a lot of its own moral, ethical, and environmental issues. With this in mind, we’ve put together this comprehensive guide to how you can be a responsible vape retailer, all while keeping your customers, staff, and accountants happy. Important note: The information in this article applies to England, Northern Ireland, and Wales and is accurate as of January 2023. Given that the current government is partial to a nice U-turn, it’s highly likely that the guidance here may be subject to change. Illegal and counterfeit products Underage sales A little bit about proxy purchasing Disposable vape sales Carbon footprint reduction In summary: It’s really easy not to be sleazy! Illegal and counterfeit products When you were younger, did you ever buy one of those super-cheap perfumes or aftershaves out of a suitcase? Typically from a guy who looked like Del Boy Trotter’s even dodgier older brother. Then, when you sprayed it on at home, you not only smelled like a gorilla’s compacted anal gland, but broke out in hives? Gucci Bloom? More like Poo-cci Fume, right?! All joking aside, fake products are terrible. Yes, they’re cheap, but they’re rubbish. And in the worst-case scenario, they can be incredibly dangerous. According to Trading Standards, illegal vapes are currently the biggest threat on the UK High Street. Along with selling vaping products to children, which we’ll talk about in more detail later. So, what do we mean by a counterfeit vape? Fake vaping equipment and e-liquids are ones that have been created illegally, often in countries where regulations are a lot more lax. These can often contain dangerous chemicals, putting people’s health and safety at risk. Vaping hardware can also have missing electrical parts, making it more prone to catching fire or exploding. Illegal products and fake products don’t comply with UK Government regulations, meaning they shouldn’t be sold. For example, disposable vapes in the UK are meant to contain 2ml of liquid. Any more than that, and alarm bells should be ringing. Here are a few ways that you can recognise a legitimate product. So if Shifty Steve comes up to you with a carrier bag full of stuff that might have fallen off the back of a lorry, you know exactly what to look out for. The maximum tank size for disposables is 2ml, which is about 600-650 puffs. If a disposable vape promises more puffs than that, consider it a red flag. We’ve heard of some shops selling vapes containing 12,000 puffs of e-liquid, which is all sorts of wrong The maximum size of refill containers is 10ml. If you see anything bigger, act like the kids at Grange Hill and just say no The maximum nicotine content for vapes is 20mg/ml – which is still really strong. If you’re offered a more potent e-liquid, run away really fast Health warnings on vape hardware, disposable vapes, and e-liquids must cover 30% of the front and back of the pack. The warning must exactly read: ‘THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS NICOTINE WHICH IS A HIGHLY ADDICTIVE SUBSTANCE’. We all don’t like the labels, but they have to be there, thems the rules All e-liquids must have a list of ingredients, nicotine content, delivery per dose, and batch number. If they don’t, then put the packaging down and move on All products must feature some kind of recommendation to keep the product out of the reach of children. Teen vaping is bad, mmkay? Vapes that are charged from the mains electricity supply should bear the CE or UKCA mark, which show that they comply with EU or UK directives respectively. Safety first, people All vapes and refill containers must have tamperproof and child-resistant packaging. Otherwise, it’s time to get the heck out of Dodge And finally, all packaging must contain the manufacturer or importer’s name and contact details. We know, it’s a lot to ask for! The easiest way to ensure the stuff you sell is legitimate is to buy it from a trusted supplier and responsible source. An excellent place to start is to check out the MHRA website, which lists all the vapes that can be sold in the UK. If it’s not on the list, it can’t be sold in the country. At Ohm Brew, we brew all of our e-liquids ourselves, right in the heart of beautiful Belfast City. Every batch we make is GC-MS tested to make sure it is not only of the highest quality, but is compliant with strict UK guidelines. So when you order from us, you know you’re not just getting the good stuff, you’re getting the safe stuff. Underage sales Kids are smoking less these days – yay! Only issue? They’re vaping instead. Boo. The choice of e-liquid flavours combined with brightly coloured and affordable disposable vapes (more on that in a bit) and how easy they are to buy from

2021 census reports lowest proportion of smokers

2021 census reports lowest proportion of smokers since records began It’s official… only one in eight of the UK adult population smoke. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) report used data from the 2021 census to see how many adults admitted to lighting up. The headline stats 3% of over eighteens smoke – about 6.6 million of the population In 2011, 20.2%% of the adult population smoked Men (15.1%) are more likely to smoke than women (11.5%) People are more likely to be smokers if they live in Scotland (14.8%) compared to England (13.0%) People aged 25 to 34 years are more likely to smoke (15.8%) compared to those aged 65 and over (8.0%) This is the lowest proportion of smokers since records started in 2011. For comparative purposes, it’s estimated that one in two adults were smokers during the 1970s! Why are people saying no to smoking? As you can see from the data, fewer people smoke than ever before. But why is this the case? The UK Government is taking steps to make the UK smoke-free by 2030. It’s already done this by introducing key legislation such as increasing the smoking age from 16 to 18, and adding warning messages to cigarette packets. It’s also reviewing more drastic options like in New Zealand where the smoking age is increasing year-on-year. Another thing to consider is that it’s now easier to quit smoking. In the 1970s, if you wanted to stop smoking, you had to do it cold turkey. There are now several smoking cessation options available, including vaping. In fact, the UK Government has been trialling initiatives prescribing e-cigarettes on the NHS to help people stop smoking. People are becoming more health conscious, with plant-based food, teetotalism, and hardcore gym sessions on-trend right now. This means unhealthy habits like smoking are no longer being picked up. Finally, smoking just isn’t that cool anymore. In the 1990s and 2000s, rockstars and supermodels were rarely seen without a cig in their mouth. However, celebrities are now coming under fire for being caught smoking. Our final thoughts Let’s be honest; smoking is a drag, pun definitely intended. It’s expensive, anti-social, and the number one preventable cause of death worldwide. The fact that fewer people than ever before are smoking, and this number is going down year-on-year, can only be a good thing. Will we reach the government’s target of 5% smokers by 2030? It’s hard to say right now, but time will tell. In our opinion, education is critical. It’s essential to show people that already smoke why they should consider quitting. That’s half the battle right there. Want to see how you can benefit from making the switch to vaping? Check out our online guide << Back to blog Facebook-f Instagram Linkedin

Irish Government Looking to Ban Disposable Vapes

Irish Government looking to ban disposable vapes Disposable vapes (or vape bars) are a lot like marmite in the vaping community. While some love the flexibility they provide, others see them as a bit of an ethical quandary. Therefore, we weren’t surprised to hear that the Irish Government is looking to ban them in the future. Minister of State Ossian Smith advised: “I’ve no problem with vaping… (but) I think this is an example of an innovation that is really making the world a worse place.” While regulations have not been put in place yet, there will be a public consultation to see what people think of the proposal. This could pave the way for a permanent ban, enforced by local county councils. Why it’s important to sell disposable vapes responsibly The proposed ban on disposable vapes has come about because of two main concerns. Firstly, the idea that disposable vapes are appealing to children and young people. Secondly, that disposable vapes aren’t being disposed of correctly, with the valuable materials within them going to landfill. At Ohm Brew, we believe disposable vapes have their benefits. Full disclosure, we sell our own range of Brew Bar Disposables. If you’re deliberating if vaping is right for you, or if you need a lightweight vape for travelling, a disposable vape is ideal. The key is using (and selling) disposable vapes responsibly. Like most things in life, a disposable vape only becomes a nuisance when it’s in the wrong hands. A responsible store owner will suggest how customers can recycle their vape bar when they’re done with it, and refuse to sell to minors. They’ll also advise that they are only a temporary solution, and recommend e-liquids and the appropriate hardware where they can. We encourage all our stockists to sell vape bars sensibly and responsibly, and we will do everything we can to help them do this. As a company, we’re also 100% behind any measures taken to reduce single-use plastics and littering. Trust us; you should see our on-site recycling bins. Full to the brim. Find out more about selling disposable vapes and vape bars responsibly. Will the UK ban disposable vapes? We’re not aware of any plans to ban disposable vapes in the UK. Yet. However, given the concerns around the state of the environment and young people using vape bars, we would anticipate a ban of some kind in the future. We’ve already seen petitions on the UK Government website, so it is something that a lot of people feel strongly about. In the meantime, let’s sell disposable vapes in the right way and help make the country, as well as the world, a greener, safer, less antisocial place for everyone. We’ll keep you up to date with the latest news as we’re aware of it. In the meantime, keep visiting our blog for the most up-to-date developments in the world of vaping. << Back to blog Facebook-f Instagram Linkedin

Stoptober: How to Keep Ex-smokers Coming Back In-store

How to keep ex-smokers coming back to your vape store during and after Stoptober A lot of things happen in October. The clocks go back, mince pies and Christmas cakes slowly infiltrate the supermarket shelves, and there’s a distinct smell of pumpkin spice lattes in the air. The other thing that happens during the tenth month of the year? Stoptober. What is Stoptober? Launched in 2012, this month-long campaign encourages people to stub out their cigarettes and say no to stinking like an ashtray. Over 2.3 million people In the UK have stopped smoking because of Stoptober, and if you’re part of that number, bravo. We’d give you a ruddy big kiss if we weren’t stuck behind a computer screen. The last few years have been bad for smoking, with a lot of people taking up the habit during lockdown as something to do. During the first lockdown In 2020, the number of 18 to 34-year-olds who smoked increased by 25%. All those sourdough starters and Zoom quizzes evidently got the better of many people. If people are thinking of stopping smoking this October, vaping is a great alternative. They get the nicotine they need to keep on track through the month, without any of the disgusting chemicals cigarettes contain. Not only that, but it’s a heck of a lot cheaper into the bargain. In fact, e-cigarettes are three times more effective than other quitting aids like nicotine patches and gum. Find out more about making the switch from smoking to vaping. What you can do to help people quit smoking this Stoptober If you run a vape store, you’re in a great position to help these smokers out, and make a little bit of profit to boot. It’s a win-win situation. So, how can you help smokers that want to quit during Stoptober, and encourage them to keep coming back to your store? We’re so glad you asked. Join us as we take a look at some of the ways you can boost your business this October and beyond. Give customers the support they need Use local SEO to get people to your store Create a friendly and warm environment Create a community of like-minded people Stock a wide range of products In summary: don’t forget to make the effort with ex-smokers this Stoptober #1 – Give customers the support they need Imagine the following scenario in your head. You’ve been smoking 20 a day since you were 16, and twenty years later, you decide it’s time to quit and give vaping a go. The problem is, smoking is all you know. You don’t know the difference between nic salts and freebase, you’ve got no clue how to change a coil, and you’ve got absolutely no idea what nicotine strength you need. It’s enough to make you run screaming into the nearest off licence begging for a pack of Marlboro Lights. Smokers need a lot of help and support when they’re thinking of quitting. As the owner of a vape store, you’re perfectly placed to help them out, more so than a store that’s online. Take the time to talk to your customers and understand what they need, and they’ll reward you with some lovely pieces of paper with King Charles III on them. Good salespeople are always two steps ahead of their customers and know which questions they will have. Here are some of the things an ex-smoker might ask about, so you can plan your answers in advance: Why should I move to vaping instead of smoking? How much will vaping cost me? What does e-liquid taste like? Can I try vaping? (A disposable vape bar can be a good way to see if vaping is the right choice before investing In the hardware) How do I inhale? (You might have to explain the difference between direct-lung and mouth-to-lung here!) How long does the charge on the vape last? Does the vapour smell bad? How do I set up the hardware? (While you can’t set up the hardware for them, you can provide instructions or even a video to help them out) What would you recommend? (This one is tricky as it’s very subjective. Your sales team will have their own personal choices but it’s important to take the needs of the customer into account, especially if they’ve never vaped before) Having the right sales staff on standby can make all the difference. Make sure your sales team know all about the products you sell, ensure they can relate to a wide range of different people, and you’re onto a winner. You can find out more about choosing the perfect sales team in our article about increasing your customers’ vape store spend. You can even put some of your most recommended products together as a ‘starter pack’ for would-be vapers. This saves your customers valuable time and means they can get vaping sooner rather than later! Here are our top ten recommendations for your Stoptober starter kit. #2 – Use local SEO to get people to your store What do we do when we have a question we need an answer to? Nine out of ten times, we Google it! Let’s say your potential customer knows they need to quit smoking and want to give vaping a try. Unless someone recommends your vape store to them, it’s highly likely that they’ll search for ‘vape stores near me’ and pick the first name on the list. If this is the case, you can use something known as ‘local SEO’ to encourage customers to find you. Local SEO is the dark art of making sure your website is easy to find online and that people in the nearby area are aware of your presence. The higher you can rank in search engines like Google and Bing, the better! The good news is that even if you don’t know the difference between a backlink and a black hat link, there are still things you can do to boost your

How prescribing e-cigarettes helped smokers quit

How prescribing e-cigarettes on the NHS can help over 40% of smokers quit A recent pilot scheme has shown that offering vaping equipment on the NHS could help four out of ten smokers give up smoking for good. Smokefree Norfolk and Norfolk County Council, alongside the University of East Anglia, set up a pilot scheme that was offered to 668 smokers, with 340 of them taking advantage of it. Patients that wanted to stop smoking were given £25 of vape shop vouchers to buy a vape device and start-up kit to help them quit, as well as support and advice. In the space of one month, 42% of the participants had stopped smoking, which is an amazing result! Why did the scheme work? More and more people know they need to stop smoking for the sake of their health, but the reality is; it’s hard. Only 3 to 5% of smokers who quit on their own stop smoking long-term. Not only this, but the Government wants to make smoking obsolete by 2030. This means it’s better for people to stop on their own terms now rather than being forced to go cold turkey. Vaping can be a great way to gradually cut down on nicotine, without inhaling the tar, carbon monoxide and other harmful components that cigarettes contain. Another reason the scheme worked was money. Areas in Norfolk, like Great Yarmouth, Kings Lynn, and Broadland, are economically deprived, and as a result, more people smoke. For people who wanted to give up smoking, but couldn’t afford the initial outlay for vape equipment, the pilot scheme was a great way for them to get started. (And of course, remember that although there is an initial cost for hardware, vaping saves money in the long run!) The results of the scheme While some participants in the trial did go back to smoking, 15% of the people that took part continued to stay off the cigarettes. We’d call that a win. As a result, the scheme has been extended across the whole of Norfolk to 750,000 people. If the stats continue to show success, there’s the possibility it could be rolled out to the whole of the UK. Our thoughts at Ohm Brew If you’re looking to stop smoking, it’s important to do it right. Some people stub out their last cigarette and never look back, while others need more time and support. Vaping is a great alternative to smoking as it replicates the physical sensation that smoking provides. It gives you something to do with your hands and helps preserve the social aspects of smoking that so many people enjoy. Is vaping right for everyone who is looking to quit? No. But it’s exciting to see the promising results of the trial, and we’re keen to see if it will be extended to the whole of the UK. Want to find out more about the benefits of switching from cigarettes to vaping? Check out some of the reasons why you should make the change today! << Back to blog Facebook-f Instagram Linkedin

Plans for the UK to become smoke-free by 2030

A smoke-free UK – Government wants UK to stop smoking by 2030 The Government recently carried out an independent review into how it could make smoking obsolete by the year 2030. It’s something we’ve been following with a lot of interest here at Ohm Brew. Whether you run a vape shop  or are a smoker looking to quit, here’s a short summary of the review and how it may affect you. About the Government’s smokefree plan The Government first talked about its ambitions for the UK to be smoke-free in 2019. The target was that by 2030, only 5% of the population would smoke. To give you some context, 14% of adults were smokers then. An independent report on how this goal was progressing was released by Dr Javed Khan, the former CEO of Barnardo’s, in June 2022. The results? Not good. The report showed that if things carried on the way they do, the Government would miss its 2030 target by at least 7 years, and up to 14 years in the poorest areas. This means the Government needs to pick up the pace. The report suggested four radical plans of action: 1. Invest more money The report recommends investing £125 million a year to encourage people to stop smoking, with 56% of this money dedicated to stopping smoking services. If the Government don’t have the cash, they need to increase corporation tax or levy additional charges on the tobacco industry. 2. Increase the age of sale The legal smoking age in the UK is currently 18, raised from 16 in 2007. However, the report suggests increasing the smoking age even further to discourage younger people from picking up the habit. It proposes raising the tobacco sale age by one year every year, meaning the younger generation will never legally be able to buy cigarettes. They’re already going to do this in New Zealand. 3. Persuade people to quit The report advises that the NHS needs to push cessation services more to patients, even if they’re attending hospital or their GP surgery for an unrelated issue. It’s especially important to focus on more deprived regions where more people smoke. 4. Encourage vaping Vaping has long been established as an alternative to smoking, and the report advises that the Government should encourage smokers to vape as a way of kicking the habit. Vaping is 95% less harmful than tobacco and is also a heck of a lot cheaper. If you’re curious, you can find out exactly how much you can save using our vaping calculator. There are also many great flavours that can help make quitting feel much less frustrating! Our thoughts? It will be interesting to see if the Government adopts these recommendations moving forward, and we’ll continue to watch with interest. If you are considering quitting smoking, a vape can be a great way to gradually reduce your nicotine intake while still satisfying those cravings. << Back to blog Facebook-f Instagram Linkedin

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